Why Quitting Binge Drinking Cold Turkey Isn’t Effective

Binge drinking is a pattern of consuming a large amount of alcohol in a short amount of time.  This type of alcohol use disorder may not involve physical dependence on alcohol. However, it can still lead to a lot of unpleasant and unintended consequences, such as accidents, violence, health problems, or job loss. You may need a Texas alcohol rehab to help you overcome your addiction and to help you get on the right path.

If you periodically drink too much, you may be wondering how to quit binge drinking with the help of an alcohol addiction treatment center. Most likely, you have told yourself you can quit any time you want to. However, quitting binge drinking cold turkey isn’t effective. You will need the help and support of a treatment center to do so. That is why The Right Step offers the programs and treatment you need to overcome your addiction. With our help, it is possible to live a life that is free from binge drinking and the dangers of alcoholism.

What Causes Problems with Binge Drinking?

People typically drink to fit in with others who are doing the same thing. This is why binge drinking often becomes a problem for college students or other adolescents and young adults. Young people are often driven by a curiosity about how large amounts of alcohol will make them feel. This may lead them to drink heavily at parties, proms, and before exams. Adults may binge drink at social events or during the holidays.

Since drinking is so socially acceptable in our culture, problems with binge drinking are very common among both teens and adults. When negative consequences start happening, most people attempt to simply stop binge drinking but that does not usually work. Without having a plan for how to handle situations that trigger heavy drinking including peer pressure, there is a good chance you will do the same thing sooner or later, even if you are not physically addicted to alcohol. Therefore, it is important to always be cautious about the dangers of alcohol and learn more about the problems it can cause.

How to Quit Binge Drinking

Simply deciding to stop binge drinking will not work on a long-term basis. You have to know what you will say to friends or family who encourage you to drink, and you have to learn to make better choices, including choosing activities that do not revolve around drinking. Another reason that quitting cold turkey will not work is that there is a good chance that once you start drinking, you may no longer be able to control how much you drink.

With help from a Texas alcohol rehab, it is possible to quit binge drinking in a healthy way and recover from addiction. Your family doctor can evaluate your drinking patterns and help you to make a treatment plan to modify or stop this behavior. With the help of an intensive outpatient program or support group, problems with alcohol use can be overcome.

Contact The Right Step

At The Right Step, we are here to help you in any way we can. We have a number of treatment programs at our center to help you. Our individual therapy program and group therapy program are designed to help you overcome your issues with binge drinking and help you get on the road to recovery. To learn more about our treatment and services, contact us today at 17135283709. A life without addiction is possible, and we want to help you get there. Contact The Right Step today for more information about our services and what we offer.

Source:  “Treatment for Alcohol Problems: Finding and Getting Help” – National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIH) https://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/treatment/treatment.htm

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