The clinically redesigned and newly renovated Women’s Substance Abuse and Intimacy Disorders (SAID) Program at Right Step Dallas/Ft. Worth (DFW) is a fully gender-separate drug and alcohol treatment program with a shared emphasis on intimacy, trauma and relationship healing. This program provides an active, multifaceted focus on the emotional challenges frequently co-occurring in women with substance use and addiction problems. We openly encourage our clients to work through issues related to intimacy, abuse, relationships, grief, and unresolved past trauma. Our goal is to have our team of knowledgeable, master’s level, licensed female professionals work with both addiction and the underlying emotional challenges that can lead to relapse and unhealthy life choices in addicted women. This program was designed and is overseen by internationally renowned intimacy disorders and addictions expert Robert Weiss, LCSW, CSAT-S, while also fully incorporating The Daring WayTM curriculum of Dr. Brené Brown.
Year 2014
Open House April 22 from 2-6pm – no RSVP required
Please join us for a Free CEU Event with Rob Weiss, LCSW, CSAT-S either before or after the Open House.
Rob will present “Survival of the Fittest: Understanding Addiction in Women as an Intimacy Disorder” 11:30am-2pm (Lunch included) OR 5:30-8pm (Dinner included) Seating is limited to 75. Please RSVP to
Right Step Dallas/Ft. Worth 2219 W. Euless Blvd. Euless, Texas 76040 Toll-Free: (877) 418-1992 •
CEUs presented by Robert Weiss, LCSW, CSAT-S
Robert Weiss, LCSW, CSAT-S, founded The Sexual Recovery Institute (SRI) in Los Angeles in 1995, and is now Senior Vice President of Clinical Development at Promises Behavioral Health. At Promises, Mr. Weiss has developed addiction, intimacy and sexual disorders treatment programming at: The Ranch in Nunnelly, TN, Promises Treatment Centers, and Right Step in Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX. A UCLA school of social work graduate and early trainee of Dr. Patrick Carnes, Mr. Weiss is co-author of the just released Closer Together/ Further Apart, Untangling the Web and Cybersex Exposed with Dr. Jennifer Schneider and author of Cruise Control. A media expert to CNN, OWN, The NY Times, The Times of London, and Time Magazine and blogger for Psychology Today and The Hu ngton Post, among others, Mr. Weiss is an international clinical educator and subject expert on the intersection of technology, intimacy and addiction.