As incredible as it may seem, almost 400,000 Texans that will struggle with the disease of addiction this year and there are thousands more — family and friends — that will be directly affected. Here at The Right Step, we see first hand the devastating effects and the remarkable healings that come from providing compassionate treatment and ongoing support for our clients and their family members. To help us continue this mission, The Right Step has joined forces with the Betty Ford 5-Star Kids program at our Dallas / Fort Worth campus. The 5 Star Kids program will be offering a Family Dynamics group for our adult and adolescent IOP clients, as well as weekly support services to our residential clients and their families. The program offers free workshops for children 7-12 that have an addicted family member, and will also be available to clients’ younger siblings. By using games and storytelling, children learn how to deal with the effects of addiction, identify feelings, and take care of themselves. We know that early intervention helps break the addictive cycle and also gives a voice to the youngest victims. We are excited about this opportunity and will keep all of you posted on our progress!