Can mindfulness meditation work for addiction treatment? Can it fix the substance use disorder you’re struggling with? For some people, the answer is yes, it can compliment addiction treatment and support you on healing. Yet, it’s critical to use it as a component of your treatment with the guidance of a team like the trusted professionals at The Right Step.
Understanding Mindfulness Meditation
The term mindfulness meditation is a practice of focusing on moment-to-moment thoughts. Mindfulness itself means being very aware of your thoughts and feelings in any situation. It’s about paying close attention to your surroundings. This, combined with meditation, a process of entering into a calm, focused state of mind, may help many people.
One of the most common complications people see when it comes to addiction is preventing negative thought patterns from leading to the use of drugs and alcohol. For example, a person may have a bad day at work where they end up feeling like a failure. That leads to negative thoughts about their ability to meet their family’s needs or to be a good friend. This type of pattern makes a person more likely to reach for drugs and alcohol as a way to cope with it. With mindfulness meditation, a person learns to recognize these thoughts and works to change them.
Then Can Mindfulness Meditation Work for Addiction Help?
How can mindfulness meditation work for addiction then? In some cases, it can provide you with the ability to recognize what your thoughts are and stop them from going down the wrong path. For example, it may help you to pay closer attention to what’s happening around you so that you know how to center yourself and control your thought patterns.
There is no way to completely avoid a mind that wants or craves drugs. This comes back to the fundamentals of the human mind and desire itself. With mindfulness meditation, though, you learn how to navigate around these challenges.
A Component of a Comprehensive Treatment Plan
Whether you are dealing with a need for cocaine addiction treatment or you may be facing the decision to get help from prescription drug addiction, the first step is to take action by reaching out to a treatment center that can help and guide you. Many people will need care, that includes:
- Drug detox services
- Inpatient drug treatment
- Outpatient drug treatment for continued care
- Aftercare treatment planning
- Family counseling
You may need to learn the ins and outs of other treatment methods, too, such as the use of cognitive-behavioral therapy, which is often used alongside mindfulness meditation. Some people may also find that group therapy is one of the best ways to find improvement in their health as you have someone you can directly relate to who can help you.
At The Right Step, we provide a wide range of treatment options to help you and guide you. Creating a customized treatment plan that includes holistic care like meditation is possible. Most importantly, you are getting the ability to find a complete recovery path, one that you can use to regain your health and improve your future. Do not wait to reach out for help. Turn to our team to learn more about the opportunities we can provide to you, including through mindfulness meditation.
Reach Out to Learn More About Treatment Options at The Right Step
Learning more about your treatment options can give you the motivation to help you. If you’re asking, “Can mindfulness meditation work for addiction?” let our team provide you with insight. Take a few minutes to call the counselors at The Right Step. Let us help you determine the best possible course of treatment for you. Call 17135283709 for help today.