Signs of Kratom Addiction

Kratom is a plant-based substance sometimes used in the U.S. as an herbal supplement or remedy. The active ingredients in this substance have properties that resemble both opioids and stimulants. There is significant evidence to suggest that kratom is addictive. This evidence includes the appearance of withdrawal symptoms in people who stop using it. As with any addictive substance, you may need to undergo drug detox to successfully stop using kratom.

Kratom Basics

The term kratom can be used to refer to either of two things. First, it describes a Southeast Asia tree species, Mitragyna speciosa. It also describes various products made from the leaves of this tree. Researchers have yet to identify all of the potential active ingredients in kratom. However, they have identified some of its key compounds.

Kratom is not approved for any kind of medical use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. At the same time, it’s not currently illegal under federal law. On the state level, laws regarding kratom products vary. Some states outlaw their sale or use. Others have no such prohibitions in place.

Why Do People Use Kratom?

The use of kratom is traditional in certain parts of Southeast Asia. In the U.S., it’s sometimes used as a remedy for problems such as:

  • Opioid withdrawal and its related opioid cravings
  • Pain
  • Low energy levels

In addition, some people use it to manage their mental health. It’s important to note that research does not currently support using kratom for any of these purposes.

Kratom Addiction

Is kratom addictive? In other words, can its use lead to developing a diagnosable substance use disorder (SUD)? Addiction experts responsible for officially defining SUDs say the jury is still out on this question. There are clear indications that it’s possible to develop kratom addiction symptoms. However, researchers don’t yet know if there are enough of these symptoms to meet the criteria for diagnosing a SUD.

What are the known signs of kratom addiction? These signs center on the production of withdrawal. Withdrawal is a classic indicator of addiction to all substances. The signs of kratom abuse strongly resemble the experiences of people withdrawing from opioids. Specific problems you may experience include:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Body aches and chills
  • Diarrhea
  • Unusual restlessness and irritability
  • A runny nose
  • Unusually high saliva production

These symptoms tend to be mild or moderate in intensity. However, in some cases, they may be more severe.

Other Issues Related to Kratom Use

The potential for addiction is not the only concern for people who use kratom supplements. Any given batch of supplements may contain bacteria, heavy metals, or other dangerous contaminants. In addition, using kratom comes with a risk for mild, moderate, or severe side effects. These effects have not been thoroughly studied, and you may encounter problems not previously reported. Researchers have also not identified all potential drug interactions between kratom and other substances. In a small number of cases, people taking kratom supplements have died as a result.

Get More Information on the Signs of Kratom Addiction at The Right Step

Want to learn more about potential kratom addiction symptoms? Talk to the specialists at The Right Step Recovery. We’ll happily answer your questions about kratom and its possible effects on your brain and body.
Concerned that you or your loved one might be showing signs of kratom addiction? The Right Step provides a full slate of drug detox and active drug rehab services. We’re committed to helping you overcome the effects of kratom. To get started, just contact us today at 17135283709 or complete our online form. We’re here for you ever right step of the way.

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