What Is Meth Mouth?

Methamphetamine (meth) addiction can take hold of someone’s life, as it’s a highly addictive drug. If you notice signs of addiction, it’s essential to reach out for help, whether it’s for yourself or someone you care about. One clear sign is “meth mouth,” where the drug causes noticeable damage to teeth and gums. But don’t worry—finding the proper help doesn’t have to be overwhelming. You’re not alone in this, and support is available.

Contact a professional treatment center like The Right Step to find a reputable meth rehab in Texas. A treatment team member will walk you through what treatment options look like through a customized treatment plan. Call today at 17135283709

What Is Meth Mouth?

Meth mouth is a condition that develops with regular meth use, leading to noticeable tooth decay and overall deterioration of the gums and mouth. The harsh and toxic chemicals in meth significantly harm oral health. Meth mouth is a significant sign that someone might be struggling with meth use and needs support.

If you notice unusual dental issues—such as infected gums or teeth that are rotten, crumbling, or broken—in someone you care about, reaching out for professional help is the best way to support them.

Other Troubling Effects of Meth

Meth use comes with many side effects. Some are more obvious than others, like meth mouth. Both short and long-term side effects of meth use include:

  • Aggressive behavior
  • Violence
  • Compromised cognitive function
  • Memory loss
  • Noticeable issues with motor skills 
  • Poor diet
  • Extreme weight loss
  • Sleep issues
  • Cardiovascular issues
  • Damage to major organs 
  • Hallucinations

Any of these side effects can put your health and safety at risk. Getting treatment will allow you—or a loved one—to stop using the drug in a safe and supportive environment, surrounded by peers and professionals. Professional treatment also dramatically reduces the risk of relapse. 

Do You Need Meth Detox?

A medically supervised detox is the safest and most effective way to stop using a drug. It’s the first step in a treatment program, followed by a customized plan that incorporates a variety of therapies. The withdrawal symptoms associated with detox can be severe and dangerous, especially when detoxing from a highly addictive drug like meth. A professional treatment center provides an environment with skilled and peer support. Detox may require medication-assisted treatment (MAT), which could be necessary to manage withdrawal symptoms—depending on the severity of the addiction.

After prolonged meth use, withholding the drug from the body can lead to withdrawal symptoms that include: 

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Severe lethargy
  • Insomnia
  • Mood swings
  • Irritability

More general aches and pains may also arise as a result of withdrawal. This can include headaches, sweats, chills, and shakes. Each person’s detox experience and withdrawal symptoms can be different. Having the proper support as you go through the process is the key to avoiding a relapse.

Get Started on Meth Rehab in Texas at The Right Step Today

To effectively manage a substance use disorder (SUD) and do it in the safest way possible, professional meth rehab is the wisest option. Going through the detox process can be harsh on one’s own. Withdrawal symptoms have their own set of risks that require medical supervision. Trying to quit on your own has a very high rate of relapse.

The Right Step can customize a treatment plan that includes behavioral therapies, traditional talk therapies, and experiential therapies just for you. Call our team today at 17135283709 or complete our online form to learn how we can guide your treatment journey.

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