Addiction is an incredibly challenging disease that can be linked to mental health quite often. However, you may not be sure whether your depression and anxiety came first or if your drug use started it all. You may ask questions about what is happening to you. You may ask, do I need dual diagnosis treatment?” or “should I enter drug treatment right now or seek a therapist to talk to first?” At The Right Step, our professionals are here to work closely with you to help you achieve your goals.
So, Do I Need Dual Diagnosis Treatment?
Dual diagnosis treatment is a plan that addresses both your mental health needs and your addiction needs. In short, this type of treatment allows for both conditions to be treated at the same time. In fact, if you have both concerns and do not treat them both in this manner, your treatment may be less effective.
You may benefit from dual diagnosis treatment if you:
- Struggle with anxiety or depression
- Struggle with trauma or have post-traumatic stress disorder
- Use drugs as a way to cope with your feelings
- Cannot stop using drugs to help control your emotions
- Use drugs and alcohol on a consistent basis
Many factors play a role in whether or not drug and alcohol treatment is necessary. However, if you are using drugs, and you have a mental health disorder, addiction is a common result. There is help available to you.
What Happens in Dual Diagnosis Treatment?
After deciding to get sober, remember that this is a very flexible treatment plan designed to address each one of your needs. Because it can be personalized to meet your unique health needs, it is the type of treatment many people benefit from immediately. At The Right Step, we offer a wide range of supportive programs to help you get this type of care. This includes:
- Medical drug detox
- Inpatient drug rehab services
- Outpatient drug rehab services
- Men’s and women’s specialized treatment plans
- Holistic health programs
- Specialized alcohol treatment programs
A key component of your care in a dual diagnosis treatment plan is to address the underlying mental health needs you have. We often recommend this type of treatment if you have diagnosed or undiagnosed conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, or other forms of mental illness. A component of the work you do with our team will be to address these concerns.
That may include the use of medications to help strengthen and stabilize your brain’s function. It may include individual and group therapy sessions to talk about what is happening to you and to work with peers on treatment. You may also engage in activities such as art and fitness programs designed to help stimulate your mind and your body.
At The Right Step, we want you to know all of your needs can be met within our programs. You do not have to know what treatment is right for you just yet. Instead, your first step is to simply learn more about the care available to you. We will give you a full health assessment and then get started on treatment.
Find the Best Treatment Plan for You at The Right Step
Our team understands mental health and how drug and alcohol addiction often go hand-in-hand. It can be incredibly difficult for you to know what wrong or what to treat first. That is why we have a comprehensive set of treatment options available to work with you. If you are asking, “Do I need dual diagnosis treatment or not,” do not worry about the answer just yet. Instead, call our compassion counselors at 17135283709 to learn more about what we can do to support you now.