Prescription Drugs Over the Internet

It just seems like a bad idea to be able to get your drugs over the same machine you check your email with.  After a recent death New Zealand is looking to crack down on prescriptions sent by mail and ordered over the internet.  After the death of Graham David Goodwin, a mental patient, from an overdose of Doxepine that was ordered and shipped from overseas  which would be an offense under the current Medicines Act.  The current law could result in imprisonment for up to three months. According to

Since Mr Goodwin’s, death, Customs had employed an investigation and enforcement team that included pharmacists on site. This had increased the capture of prohibited medicines at the border.

Apparently Mr. Goodwin’s home held a cadre of prescription drugs.  Found among his possessions was a large amount of Mirtazapine said to have come from overseas, and according to the Police: “They were purchased by internet from a website. This process operates via an Indian mail order service.” (source It just seems plain dangerous to order drugs online, but with today’s addicted society and an ever increasing availability, you can become an addict and end up needing treatment right in the comfort of your own living room or home office.  The internet makes so much information available, why do people only tend to use it for nefarious purposes? For more information about drug and alcohol treatment, please visit The Right Step today!

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