How The Right Step Can Turn an ‘Alcoholism Marriage’ into a Happy Union
Toby Rice Drews is the author of nine recovery books and is most notable for her million-selling series, “Getting Them Sober.” It is available from a variety of vendors, including, a website devoted to offering items that help people improve their lives. Drews, a former college professor of counseling and psychology, was reared in an alcoholic family, and her career has been dedicated to helping others who share the pain she endured. For more than 30 years she has written books on the subject, counseled family members, trained professionals, and presented seminars to community groups and associations. One constant Drews discovered in marriages marked by alcohol addiction is this: The spouse of an alcoholic often doesn’t understand alcoholism, which makes “fixing the problem” without professional help a virtually pointless endeavor. A recent article posted on cites Drews’ research, and lists the tell-tale signs that mark a union as an “alcoholism marriage.” In essence, the alcoholic is married to two people – the spouse and the alcohol. And, unless both parties team to find a way to radically alter the dynamic, an “alcoholism marriage” will become just like a union where conventional infidelity is an issue. The “third party” will constantly tear at the principals until it eventually pulls them apart. The Right Step understands the “alcoholism marriage” and has a caring, professional staff that is devoted to tailoring individual- and family-specific programs that can transfom your marriage into a happy, healthy union. Our staff members understand that alcohol addiction is a disease and, as with any disease, it takes a team of knowledgeable experts to respond with effective treatment options that change and enhance the lives of both parties. Whatever the recovery needs, The Right Step can help. Whether you or your loved one needs supportive intervention, counseling, detoxification, or treatment, our programs can help a family achieve true recovery results. Beating addiction isn’t easy, but taking the The Right Step makes the process easier. If your marriage is affected adversely by alcohol- or drug-addiction issues, we urge you to take the time today to call one of our counselors at 844-877-1781844-877-1781. You also can visit The Right Step website for a comprehensive look at our treatment programs and facilities, which are located throughout the Southwest.