Sixty-three percent of people surveyed reported serving wine at their Thanksgiving meal. Also, fifty-six percent claimed they spent more than $50 on their Thanksgiving alcohol. With alcohol and drugs playing such a significant role, is it possible to enjoy a sober Thanksgiving? Our group therapy program in Texas offers the following tips for staying sober during the holidays.
Talk with your Family
Your family may not realize how much you struggle unless you tell them. Accordingly, you should talk with whoever is hosting the Thanksgiving meal ahead of time. Ask about the possibility of going alcohol-free this year. Your loved ones may be more accommodating than you give them credit for.
What happens if you have family members who will drink, regardless? These individuals may balk at the idea of a sober Thanksgiving, and may even bring their alcohol if none is provided. In that case, perhaps you can work out a compromise. Ask if they will put off drinking until after the meal is over. That way, you can enjoy eating dinner with everyone but can leave before the drinks start flowing.
Consider Hosting a Sober Thanksgiving
Staying sober during the holidays might require you to take control of the situation. One way to do that is to host the dinner party yourself. In doing so, you can establish the ground rules, to include ruling out alcohol.
Contact The Right Step for help creating your sober holidays.
Make Alternate Plans
Unfortunately, enjoying a sober Thanksgiving may sometimes mean that you will have to forego your traditional plans. That doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy this special day. Some plans you could make that will allow you to stay sober during the holidays include:
- Volunteering at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen
- Getting together with friends from your 12-step or other support groups
- Planning a mini-vacation
- Going out to eat
Having a Sober Thanksgiving Regardless
What happens if you can’t get out of your usual plans? How can you enjoy a sober Thanksgiving if you must attend a family dinner where alcohol is present? First, have an alternate beverage such as sparkling grape juice or even your favorite soda on hand. Sit at the kid’s table, where you probably will not find an open bottle of wine.
Secure your transportation, and leave right away if things do get out of hand. Have someone on standby you can call if you are facing temptation. If things get too rough, remember that you can always contact us here at The Right Step, and we will encourage you.
Our Treatment Options
Sometimes, it is better to visit a rehab facility rather than trying to achieve sobriety on your own. For those struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction, we offer several treatment options such as:
- Medical detox
- Inpatient drug rehab in Texas
- Outpatient drug and alcohol treatment
- Texas substance abuse aftercare programs
- Alumni program
- Chronic relapse track
Addiction is a disease that requires a comprehensive treatment plan to overcome. Consequently, we offer a holistic approach to getting sober and provide customized treatment plans for each individual. Whether you are trying to stay sober during the holidays or need help beating your addiction, we have a solution that will fit your needs. A sober Thanksgiving is within your reach!
Contact The Right Step
Here at The Right Step, we want to do more than help you have a sober Thanksgiving. We want to help you get and stay sober for life. Don’t put off treatment any longer, when our caring addiction specialists are ready to offer the support you need. Please contact us at 17135283709 to begin your journey.