Drug Information

One Nation Under Suboxone: ‘Give Heroin Addicts Their Meds,’ Feds Tell Drug Rehab Programs

“With my medication … I will be fine,” croons the English singer and songwriter, Lloyd Cole, in the tongue-in-cheek song, “Antidepressant,” on his 2006 album by that name. Now, more and more of those seeking treatment for heroin or opioid

One Nation Under Suboxone: ‘Give Heroin Addicts Their Meds,’ Feds Tell Drug Rehab Programs Read More »

Increased Risk of Addiction for Teens Prescribed Medication for Anxiety or Sleep Problems

Teenagers who are prescribed sleep or anti-anxiety medications are at a much increased risk of becoming dependent on them than those who are not, reports a recent University of Michigan study published in the journal Psychology of Addictive Behavior.

Increased Risk of Addiction for Teens Prescribed Medication for Anxiety or Sleep Problems Read More »

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